The best vanilla+ experience with vibes from the past

About us
The Northmen is not like any other vanilla server. Why? Well remember when bandages and sewing kits took 1 slot of inventory? T-shirts had no inventory slots and could be teared to rags with your hands? Remember those old leather items you could craft and the weapons you could spray paint? Well, we got that covered! Not to mention the craftable ghilliesuits, hunting scope on Mosin, no coastal fog and to top it off – it’s called AKM, SVD, FAL and FAMAS over here at The Northmen!

Quality of life mods
Autorun and Earplugs for comfort. Map and Groups for convenience. Chat with the community and claim your Territory!
Oh, and not to forget about vehicles. Flip ’em, crash them – you wont die. But you will if someone shoots you! a small, light mod for keeping vehicles fun again and not a pain in the…

Vanilla base building and codelocks. Furnish your base with supply crates, lockers, gunracks and more. Raid gates using weapons, explosives or hacksaws!
Doors are added as a long awaited mod. No more bulky gates in small pathways. Single, double – your choice!

Matching outfits
Have you wished for a TTSKO Plate Carrier? Or black Gorka clothes? Say no more! With SOTA vanilla retexture you get the vanilla style clothing on more clothes! More options, more styles, more fun!

C4 raiding + hacksaws
The vanilla explosives has a better use in pvp. Thats why we use breaching charges since the vanilla raiding is very unreliable.
Raid storage with raiddriver, code locks with raidsaw and gates/watchtowers with c4 breaching charges.
Full guide – easy to understand, can be found in our discord under our “Getting started” category.

Never dull a moment
Tune in on frequency 99.7 and participate in different Survivor Missions around Chernarus.
Fight over supplies at different Airdrop locations.
Collect Pokémoncards for the pure enjoyment – maybe there is a reward for you if you… catch them all?
Join our Discord for more information.
The Northmen is not like any other vanilla server. Why? Well remember when bandages and sewing kits took 1 slot of inventory? T-shirts had no inventory slots and could be teared to rags with your hands? Remember those old leather items you could craft and the weapons you could spray paint? Well, we got that covered! Not to mention the craftable ghilliesuits, hunting scope on Mosin, no coastal fog and to top it off – it’s called AKM, SVD, FAL and FAMAS over here at The Northmen!
Northmen Servers







Deer Isle