The best vanilla+ experience with vibes from the past

Custom Skin Order – Mac

Order Preview:

  • 15 items 350 SEK
  • 15 Items 350 SEK
  • 15 items 350 SEK
  • + 2 items free
  • Design fee 450 SEK

Total: 1500 SEK
Bulk discount: -150 SEK
Order Total: 1350 SEK

This custom order is for 47 items which has been agreed upon in Discord Ticket.

Customer has seen images from in-game of the skins chosen.

Customer is aware that these are not items purchased, but skins that applies to items found ingame which the player must obtain themselves and skin using a workbench or special repaint spraycan.

The purchase is non refundable and non exchangeable to other skins or designs in the future.

Once order has gone through, its normal 24 hour processing time, making it available in the next restart after order is processed.

1,350.00krApproximately: 122.04$